Christie Bridges

Membership Chair/ Corresponding Secretary

Christie Bridges has been a member of the Alliance Française for almost forty years and served as a long-time coordinator of the jeudi soirees.  She was a co-conspirator in the establishment of the Saturday conversation groups, and she acts as the organizer/treasurer of the Saturday classes.  For the last several years, she has acted as the Corresponding Secretary for the AFH Gmail account, and, as of late last year, she has taken over the Membership Chairmanship. 

Christie was a personal trainer for eighteen years and retired at the end of 2016.  Since she believes that working the brain is as important as working the body, learning and speaking French is the perfect complement to working out at the gym.

Christie’s other interests include lifting weights, playing pickleball and listening to opera and classical music. 

Alliance Francaise of Hawaii is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization

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