La vie est trop courte pour boire du mauvais vin.

Life is too short to drink bad wine. 


Upcoming events

    • 13 Mar 2025
    • 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM
    • Villa Emilie
    • 12

    Jeudi Soirée + HOT March Event! 

    French Conversation group for AFH Members Only

    Hawai'i Opera Theatre will be presenting Carmen on April 11 and 13. 

    Tickets can be purchased on the HOT website.


    HOT is extending a special 25% discount to AFH members!

    When purchasing your tickets please use Promo code: FRIENDS25

    Prior to the HOT event, we have a very special Jeudi Soirée!

    AFH Lifetime Member and Music Historian, Dr. Lynne Johnson will give a presentation (in French) on Carmen the opera.  

    Along with Dr. Johnson's presentation, Andrew Morgan, the General Manager of HOT will be on hand to discuss the production.

    There will also be a special music perforance featuring Martina Bingham (soprano), Leslie Goldman (soprano) and Blair Boone-Migura (piano)!

    Specific Event address will be shared upon registration.  Parking will be available across the street in the Aina Haina shopping area and attendees will need to walk across the street.  Merci!! 

    Light pupus will be provided.  Attendees please feel free to BYOB.

    • 26 Apr 2025
    • 9:00 AM - 11:30 AM
    • Zoom (Link will be emailed)
    • 194

    Panorama du Bijou Français d'aujourd'hui

    Join us and our special guest speaker Agnès Dubois-

     for our Spring 2025 Immersion Day for a discussion in French about a historical look at French jewelry and fashion.

    Créatrice de bijou contemporain, Agnès Dubois nous dresse un panorama de l’évolution du bijou, des grands noms de la Place Vendôme aux plus récentes créations de « sculptures de corps ». Souvent compris comme une parure, le bijou est aujourd’hui aussi un moyen d’expression de soi au monde et souvent une affirmation d’identité. 

    Agnès nous guidera de Cartier à Lalique et de Lalique au bijou contemporain. Au cours de cette promenade dans le temps, vous découvrirez comment le bijou a suivi les transformations de la société. S’il a autrefois été créé par les hommes pour les femmes, le bijou contemporain est aujourd’hui souvent créé par des femmes pour les femmes et…  parfois pour les hommes ! Ces bijoux sont des actes d’art et de plaisir pour ceux qui les portent et des vecteurs de communication avec ceux qui les regardent.  


    Agnès Dubois a suivi des études en Sciences Humaines et Histoire des Arts.

    Après quelques voyages et une première vie professionnelle dans l’édition, elle choisit de se consacrer au bijou. Agnès Dubois est créatrice indépendante depuis 2001. Ses bijoux réalisés en argent ou en or, se déclinent en petites séries, en pièces uniques, mais également sur mesure pour répondre aux souhaits de ses clients. Elle vit à Paris, tout près du Bois de Vincennes et nourrit sa créativité en pratiquant une panoplie d’activités artistiques telle que la photographie et la peinture. Vous pouvez retrouver ses créations dans les galeries d’art parisiennes, dans les salons d’art et d’artisanat français, sur son site: et sur Instagram: @agnes.dubois.bijoux

    Spring 2025 Immersion Day

    Contemporary jewelry designer Agnès Dubois offers an overview of the evolution of jewelry, from the great names of Place Vendôme to the more recent creations of "body sculptures." Often understood as an adornment, jewelry today is also a means of self-expression to the world and often a declaration of identity.

    Agnès will guide us from Cartier to Lalique, and from Lalique to contemporary jewelry. During this journey through time, you will discover how jewelry has followed the transformations of society. While it was once created by men for women, contemporary jewelry is often created by women for women, and… sometimes for men! These pieces are acts of art and pleasure for those who wear them, as well as means of communication with those who view them.


    Agnès Dubois studied Human Sciences and Art History. After some travels and an initial career in publishing, she chose to devote herself to jewelry. Agnès Dubois has been an independent designer since 2001. Her jewelry, made of silver or gold, comes in small series, unique pieces, and also creations tailored to her clients' wishes. She lives in Paris, near the Bois de Vincennes, and fuels her creativity by practicing a variety of artistic activities such as photography and painting. You can find her creations in Parisian art galleries, at art and craft fairs in France, on the website:, and on Instagram:  @agnes.dubois.bijoux

    This will be an enjoyable educational experience to practice your French. 

    All levels of French are welcome.

    An email with Zoom log in information will be provided to all registered attendees 3 days prior to the event.

    This event is open and free to AFH Members.

    Suggested donation of $10 on our AFH Donate tab on our website if you enjoy this event.  Please leave a note on the donation page - "For 2025 Spring Immersion Day"

    If you are not yet an AFH member and would like to participate, please join our organization by clicking the "Join Us" tab on our website.  Once you are a member, you can create a log in and password to the AFH website and register for this event.

    Registration for this event will close on April 19, 2025.


    • 9 May 2025
    • 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM
    • Halekulani l Hau Terrace
    • 80

    **Save the Date!  Registration to Open March 15th.

    Join us for an unforgettable evening of luxury, history, and fine French indulgence as we celebrate the legacy of Veuve Clicquot, one of the world’s most revered champagne houses. Set against the breathtaking backdrop of the Halekulani Hotel, this exclusive event will transport you to the heart of France, where bubbles meet brilliance.

    ✨ What to Expect:

     Guided Veuve Clicquot Champagne Tasting – Savor an exquisite selection of Veuve Clicquot champagnes, from the crisp Brut Yellow Label to rare vintages, led by the House Representative/ Hawaii State Director for Moët Hennessy- Matthew Milton.

    ️ Elegant French Cuisine – Indulge in a specially curated multi-course menu, inspired by the culinary traditions of Champagne, perfectly paired with each pour.

     A Journey Through History – Discover the fascinating story of Madame Clicquot, the visionary widow who revolutionized champagne-making and built an empire of excellence.

    This one-night-only soirée is a must-attend for champagne lovers, Francophiles, and those who appreciate the finer things in life. 

    Seats are limited—reserve yours today and raise a glass to the art of 

    La Grande Dame!

    Vive le Champagne! 

    Sponsored By




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