Jeudi Soirée + HOT March Event!
French Conversation group for AFH Members Only
Hawai'i Opera Theatre will be presenting Carmen on April 11 and 13.
Tickets can be purchased on the HOT website.
HOT is extending a special 25% discount to AFH members!
When purchasing your tickets please use Promo code: FRIENDS25
Prior to the HOT event, we have a very special Jeudi Soirée!
AFH Lifetime Member and Music Historian, Dr. Lynne Johnson will give a presentation (in French) on Carmen the opera.
Along with Dr. Johnson's presentation, Andrew Morgan, the General Manager of HOT will be on hand to discuss the production.
Specific Event address will be shared upon registation. Parking will be available across the street in the Aina Haina shopping area and attendees will need to walk across the street. Merci!!
Light pupus will be provided. Attendees please feel free to BYOB.
Alliance Francaise of Hawaii
PO Box 10249
Honolulu, HI 96816-0249 email |
Honolulu, HI 96816-0249
email |
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Alliance Francaise of Hawaii is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization
2024-Alliance-Francaise-Of-Hawaii. All rights deserved.