"La diplomatie française est la clé de toutes les portes internationales. "
"French diplomacy is the key to all international doors."
- Charles de Gaulle
Guillaume Maman was appointed Honorary Consul of France in 2015 and his territory covers the entire state of Hawaii.
Mr. Maman is a graduate of Université Paris-Sorbonne. He has been awarded the Medal of National Defense and Honor Medal of Foreign Affairs from France for his service to his country.
An Honorary Consul provides select administrative services to French citizens on a voluntary basis and works closely with the Consulate General. Administrative functions include protecting their constituent residents and travelers; facilitating visits by political representatives and business leaders; and promoting trade, investment and the arts.
Services that are not performed in Hawaii, and for which it is necessary to contact the Consulate General in San Francisco, include French passport and national identity card applications. For visas to France contact France-Visas. For obtaining French nationality, vital events and civil registration services contact the Consulate General in Los Angeles.
Honorary Consuls of France are nominated by the Ministère des Affaires Etrangères and delegated by the Consul General of the circumscriptions to which they belong. They are officially accredited by U.S. State Department and enjoy privileges and immunities as defined by the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations dated 24 April 1963.
Read more about the role and profile of Honorary Consuls on the
Consulate General in San Francisco's website
and to see specific information about
La prochaine tournée consulaire à Honolulu se tiendra du 12 au 16 mai 2025
Pour toute question veuillez contacter : tournees-consulaires.san-francisco-cslt@diplomatie.gouv.fr
Consular Agency of France 1436 Young Street Suite 303 Honolulu • HI • 96814 | Hours of operation: By appointment | Phone: 808-726-3866 Email: honolulu@agenceconsulaire.fr |